Thursday, December 15, 2011

2012 Spring Softball Registration is Coming!

Registration opens January 1 / Registrations received after March 1st will be subject to a late fee of $25

LeagueAgeGames2012 RatesTournament
K-1st4 - 610$75No

Each player will also be required to pay the city usage fee of $7.50 upon registration.

Summer Recreational Leagues

The Summer Recreational League season runs from end-April through early-July with approximately 15 regular season games beginning the last week in April followed by a double elimination tournament beginning at the end of June. Special age-appropriate rules are utilized for each age group to create a fun environment to learn Fast Pitch Softball and to provide the opportunity to maximize each player's development. Leagues are determined by players current grade. All players are allowed to move up one grade level from their current grade to play.

To register, please visit the MAA site:

Hope to see you all this coming year!!

Coach Tee.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Blue Thunder Medal Ceremony

Coach Theresa passed out the MAA Blue Thunder 2011 softball medals Tuesday night after the game.  The girls were very excited!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Our first game is just DAYS away!!!!

Our first game is finally here!  

Sunday, May 8th / 4:00 p.m. at Westchester # 4.

Game Attire - Team jersies, crazy socks and black pants.

Arrival Time - I am requesting that the girls be there no later than 20 mins before the scheduled games in order for warm ups.

Field Positions - I will email out the field position schedule for each game prior to the game so that as parents, we can talk to our daughters about the importance of their upcoming field position. See attached.

Snacks - I have Avery listed as providing post-game snacks for the first game.

**IMPORTANT!!!** We have our team pictures scheduled for Sunday, May 15th 3pm.  Everyone should have received the Modern Image envelope/order form at the "Meet the Coach" day at Scheels back in March.  If you didn't make it out to Scheels or don't have your envelope, I have extras for you and you can fill them out on that Sunday.  If, for whatever reason, you cannot be there at 3pm, there will be a retake time and date on Monday, May 16th from 5-6:30pm.  They are composite team photos.
The efforts and excitement from the girls, the asst coaches and the parents who get the girls where they need to be is appreciated and has prepared us to begin the season.  Let's continue the effort as the season begins to ensure that the girls have a memorable season and great time with softball.

Please let me know if you have questions.  Thanks.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Team Snack Schedule

Thank you to our team mom, Kami Gunter for putting this schedule together!!  Below is the snack schedule for our team this season.  If you would like to request a change to this schedule please email Kami Gunter at  Thank you!
  • Avery Armbrust / Sunday, May 8th 4:00 p.m.
  • Kaiya Bennett / Thursday, May 12th 7:10 p.m.
  • Jelissa Gunter / Sunday, May 15th 4:00 p.m.
  • Abigail Chavez / Sunday, May 22nd 4:00 p.m.
  • Haili Foster / Tuesday, May 24th 7:10 p.m.
  • Ellie Fulcher / Thursday, May 26th 5:45 p.m.
  • Grace Charles / Thursday, June 2nd 7:10 p.m.
  • Kennedy Jones / Sunday, June 5th 4:00 p.m.
  • Jadeyn Oltrogge / Sunday, June 12th 4:00 p.m.
  • Isabella Schulist / Tuesday, June 14th 7:10 p.m.
*Please bring store bought snacks that are individually wrapped.  Drinks can be anything from juice boxes to Gatorades.

**If you daughter requires a special snack due to a food allergy, please provide that for them.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Team Shirts are In!

Blue Thunder Game Schedule is Here - please note time changes!

***IMPORTANT:  Please note that I was informed that game times for weekday play have changed.  If we were originally scheduled for a 5:45 start, it will actually be 5:30.  The same goes for a 7:10 start - those games will now be starting at 6:40pm!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Practice Schedule

I hope the girls are getting as excited as I am about the start of our season!  I was able to book 2 practices for our team prior to starting games in May.

We will be practicing at Le Beau fields in Millard.  For those of you that don't live in the area, we refer to that park as "Neihardt Park".  It is located between 150th & 152nd - right off of Harrison Street.  I have reserved the lower field for us on the following dates:
Saturday 4-16-11   2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Thursday 4-21-11  6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER)
Saturday 4-30-11 12:00pm to 1:00 p.m. (upper diamond)
I am keeping these practices to an hour because of the age of the girls and I know that families are busy these days.  I am looking forward to going over the basics with the girls in these two practices.  In the meantime, please get outside with them and toss the ball a bit to get them used to wearing their gloves and work on hand/eye coordination for catching and throwing and also, if you have a smaller bat (even a plastic one) at home have them take a few swings to get used to it. 

Please let me know if you can make one or both practices so I can know how many to expect to attend practice sessions.  Also, if anyone would like to help assist on those two dates, let me know. I always appreciate the help!

Monday, March 21, 2011

New for 2011 Millard Athletic Association Text Alerts

Millard Athletic Association has decided to bring something new to the organization in 2011.  In the environment where decisions are made on the go, we want to allow our participants as well as our participant's parents, friends and family to have access to updates immediately.
We have added a text messaging system that will allow individuals to receive field conditions, events and special promos, just to name a few.

Click the link below to get started!

Softball's Meet Your Coach event at Scheels

Want to know what team you are on?

Softball's 'Meet Your Coach" Event Times

Are you ready for Softball???
Scheel’s is partnering with Millard Athletic Association to create fun event for MAA families!
This event is a great time for players, coaches and parents to get to know each other and discuss all the details of the season. You’ll meet your coach, receive your picture packet, and other information. Scheel’s will be discounting much of their baseball pants, socks, and belts so that you can purchase those prior to your first game.
Scheels will be randomly distributing gift cards to parents and coaches, and there will be sales throughout the store.

Fun for the whole family will include:• Face painters
• Free ferris wheel rides
• Time your pitching using a Mizuno radar gun
Come meet your coach and enjoy the fun as well!
March 27th, 2011

Session 1Leagues k-5th
2:00pm to 3:00pm

 Session 2Leagues 6th and up
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Welcome to Blue Thunder Softball! (general info)

Welcome to the 'Blue Thunder' softball team!
Millard Athletic Association K-league

Contact Info:
Coach:  Theresa Bennett
Cell Number:  402.215.1976

T-Shirts: Sapphire Blue color (MAA provided)
Pants:  Black Softball/Baseball Pants (parent provided)
Socks: Crazy pattern socks (parent provided)
Belt: Black (only if needed / parent provided)
Shoes: Cleats/Tennis shoes (parent provided)